Pricing plans

We have three plans to get rid of those dirty bins!


Bin Cleaning

2 cans included

/per cleaning

$5 per extra bin

Select this plan


Bin Cleaning

2 cans included

/per cleaning

$5 per extra bin

Select this plan

one time

bin cleaning

2 cans included

/per cleaning

$5 per extra bin

Select this plan

SERVING Pittsburgh and the Greater Pittsburgh Area

With just a few click
of a button!

We will let you know
when we are on
the way!

Smell ya later stinky bins!

get rid off awful smells and disgusting cans!

why choose us

Trash and recycle cans are smelly, dirty, and messy breeding grounds for viruses, bacteria, and maggots.

Cleaning your own trash can is gross and can lead to harmful water run off.

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Easy sign up

In just a few clicks of a button, we can have you set up with
the BEST smelling bins in the neighborhood!

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Our technology can help

Our trucks are manufactured by the best in the business, specifically for cleaning trash bins. With two high-powered nozzles, we are able to clean two bins in under two minutes. Leaving your cans Clean, Sanitized, and Deodorized! Check out our before and after pictures to get an idea of what your bins will look like after a visit from Bin-Tastic!

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The Greater Pittsburgh Area
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.


Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be home when you clean my garbage bins?

No, you do not need to be home. We will notify you the day before your cleaning day and send you a text message letting you know once we are done with your trash bins. As long as your trash bins are on the curb and trash free you don’t need to do anything else.

What if I need to reschedule?

Every customer of ours has a customer portal where they can choose when they want their bins cleaned. Letting us know through the customer portal or contacting us via phone or email will get this solved!

How often should my bins be cleaned?

The industry recommends that customers get their bins cleaned once a month, but we believe everyone is entitled to their own decisions!

You cleaned my trash bins, but there is still some guck in them...

Sometimes with the dirtiest of bins, our washers will not get 100% of the gunk and grime. Rest assured, after a couple cleanings your bins will look brand new!

What happens if you arrive before the trash company pick up?

We typically like to schedule cleanings the Day After your waste management company comes to collect trash. We can provide a same day cleaning but it will be scheduled for the very end of the day and there will be a travel charge if we show up and the trash can is still full.